
● 其他禁止攜帶的物品:帶輪子的運送工具(符合GB/T12996-2012《電動輪椅車》國家標準且最大速度≤15KM/H的電動輪椅車除外)、尺寸超過長110cm×寬 80cm的嬰兒手推車、尺寸超過56cm×36cm×23cm(20寸)的行李箱、有輪冷藏箱、玩具槍、遙控玩具(含無人機)、鑼鼓、高音喇叭、攝影輔助三腳架,違反相關法律規定的涉及政治、宗教、商業等印刷品、宣傳片、橫幅等,以及其他任何可能造成傷害或混亂的物品。
● 未經園區允許的出售、出租商品或服務,包括但不限于導游活動、售賣園區商品等。
● 未經園區允許的集會、主題活動、演講或行為藝術等。
● 任何違法、危險、擾亂秩序、具有破壞性的行為,如:打架或威脅他人、對賓客或工作人員使用侮辱性語言或不雅手勢,奔跑或攀爬、翻越欄桿等。
● 違反電梯乘坐規定,強行將嬰兒車、手推車推上自動手扶梯。
● 不按現場指引隨意停放嬰兒車。
● 將允許進入的載具或推車放置在身后拖行。
● 在人群密集區域使用自拍桿,乘坐游樂設施時攜帶及使用自拍設備。
● 觸摸或投喂動物,在動物展區開啟閃光燈進行拍攝。
● 著裝暴露,穿戴不適宜、不雅或印有侮辱性語言的衣物。
● 使用遮住部分面部的特效妝容,或用面罩、頭盔等遮蓋全臉或大部分臉,出于醫療或健康原因佩戴面罩或口罩除外。
● 未在指定吸煙區域吸煙或使用電子煙。
● 隨地亂扔垃圾或個人物品。
● 法律明令禁止的其他行為。
● 請認真閱讀各景點、設施安全守則,并衡量自身及同行人士的年齡、身高、心智、體能、身體狀況和體重等各方面是否適合體驗。
● 根據公安機關的要求,為保障園區的安全,為賓客創造一個安全的體驗環境,本園在安檢通道設有抓拍及錄像功能的攝像頭,將賓客入園信息實時傳送至地方公安系統。
● 如您購買園區套票、酒店房包票、年卡和其他體驗類產品,需提供指紋、人像、證件號碼、聯系方式等必要信息(詳情請參閱《長隆度假區指紋/人像識別技術使用須知》。
● 照顧及監管同行的兒童及長者,請勿讓同行兒童離開監護人視線,園區內不得使用親子安全繩。不滿16周歲的游客需成年人陪同入園。
● 為保證園區動物安全,除嬰兒食品和本人適量飲用水外,謝絕游客帶入其它食品和飲品。
● 視障人士攜帶導盲犬進入園區時,須遵守園區相關規定,并聽從工作人員的指引和安排,詳情請參閱長隆官網、“長隆旅游”APP《預訂須知》中《導盲犬進入度假區的相關規則》。
● 園區實行一人一票制,一經出售,不可轉讓、退票(法律法規規定許可的情況除外);在有效期內僅作入場使用,并不適用于需額外收費的特別節目,過期門票作廢。
● 園區出于惡劣天氣、園區承載能力、健康與安全需要或其他必要原因的考慮,可能會臨時更改游樂景點開放時間或臨時關閉任何部分區域,暫停或取消劇場表演、演出而不做事先通知,屬于不可抗力事件,不做任何退款或賠償。
● 請留意保管好您隨身攜帶的物品,如有任何財務損壞或損失,本園區恕不負責。
● 園區部分景點光線昏暗、環境封閉、VR模擬體驗逼真,幽閉恐懼癥患者、有心臟病史、血壓異常及患有其他類似疾病的人士請勿參玩,因隱瞞實情造成的一切后果由當事人自行承擔。
● 園區可能會在安排攝像、攝影或錄音,賓客進入園區視為同意將其肖像、聲音及影像用于公司業務、行政和運營用途或其他合法目的。
● 凡違反本園區守則及園區內的安全守則或做出危險、違法或無禮等行為的人士,或為保障公共安全、治安或秩序,或園區認為的特殊情況所需要等,園區有權拒絕該等人士進入園區,或要求該等人士立即離開園區而不作任何退款或補償。
● 為尊重園內游客的隱私權及園區管理需求,未經樂園/酒店書面同意,禁止在場內開展與商業相關的攝影、攝像、錄音等行為,以及將違規拍攝、錄制的圖片或音頻、視頻用于商業用途。
● 未經樂園/酒店書面同意,禁止在園區內或酒店公共區域內操控使用無人機及遙控飛機等飛行器。
"Notes of Park Entry" of Chimelong Spaceship
The Chimelong Spaceship is an indoor venue with a "one-way" visit mode. To ensure that every traveler has a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable experience, please obey the guidance during the trip, the guidance of on-site staff, and strictly comply with the following "Instructions to Visit". If you have any questions, please contact the staff!
1. Security check process:
To ensure public safety, travelers entering the Chimelong Spaceship must undergo a safety check. Please proactively open your hand luggage to cooperate with the safety check. For safety reasons, we may refuse travelers to bring individual items into the park. The following items are strictly prohibited :
● Other prohibited items:transportation tools with wheels (Electrically powered wheelchairs whit qualified to the nation standard and at least speed lower than 15 km/h are exclued), baby stroller with dimensions exceeding 110cm in length ×80cm? in width, trunk with a size exceeding 56cm × 36cm × 23cm (20 inch) , wheeled cooler, toy gun, remote control toys (including UAVs), gongs and drums, loudspeakers, photography assisted tripods, political, religious, commercial and other printed materials, promotional films and banners in violation of relevant laws, and any other items that may cause harm or chaos.
2.To ensure a comfortable and safe playing environment for all travelers, you are not allowed to engage in the following activities:
● Selling and renting goods or services without the permission of the park, including but not limited to tour guide activities, selling park goods, etc.
● Meetings, theme activities, speeches or performance art without the permission of the park.
● Any illegal, dangerous, disorderly, or destructive behavior, such as fighting or threatening others, using insulting language or indecent gestures towards guests or staff, running or climbing, climbing over railings, etc.
● Violate elevator regulations by forcibly pushing strollers and trolleys onto escalators.
● Park a stroller without following the on-site instructions.
● Place the allowed vehicles or carts behind you and pull it.
● Use selfie stick in crowded areas, and carry and use selfie equipment when taking facilities.
● Touch or feed animals, and turn on the flash in the animal exhibition area for shooting.
● Exposed attire, wearing inappropriate, indecent or insulting clothing.
● Use special makeup that covers part of the face, or use masks, helmets, etc. to cover the whole or most of the face, except for wearing masks or masks for medical or health reasons.
● Smoke or use electronic cigarette in the undesignated smoking area.
● Litter or personal belongings everywhere.
● Other behaviors explicitly prohibited by law.
3. Other matters:
● Please carefully read the safety regulations for each attraction and facility, and measure whether the age, height, mental state, physical fitness, physical condition, and weight of oneself and peers are suitable for the experience or not.
● According to the requirements of the public security organs, in order to ensure the safety of the park and create a safe experience environment for travelers, the park is equipped with monitors at the security checkpoint, which can transmit travelers' entry information to the local public security system in real time.
● If you purchase park package tickets, hotel room tickets, annual passes, and other experiential products, you need to provide necessary information such as fingerprints, portraits, ID numbers, contact information, etc. (please refer to the "Instructions for Using Fingerprint/Portrait Recognition Technology in Chimelong Resort" for details).
● Take care of children and elders. Do not let children go out of their guardians' sight, and do not use parent-child safety ropes in the park. Tourists under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult when entering the park.
● In order to ensure the safety of animals in the park? [There are animals in the park], tourists are not allowed to bring in other food and drinks except baby food and drinking water.
● When visually impaired people go into the park with a guide dog, they must comply with the relevant regulations of the park and follow the guidance and arrangements of the staff. For details, please refer to the "Regulations on Guide Dog in the Resort" in? " Instructions on Booking" on the Chimelong official website and "Chimelong Travel" APP.
4. Company Rights:
● The park implements a one-person, one-ticket system, and once the ticket is sold, it cannot be transferred or refunded (except as permitted by laws and regulations); During the validity period, it is only for admission and does not apply to special programs that require additional fees. Expired tickets will be invalidated.
● Due to adverse weather conditions, park carrying capacity, health and safety needs, or other necessary reasons, the park may temporarily change the opening hours of amusement attractions or temporarily close any part of the area, suspend or cancel theater performances without prior notice. This is a force majeure event and no refunds or compensation will be made.
● Please take good care of your belongings. If there is any financial damage or loss, our park will not compensate.
● Some scenic spots in the park are dark, the environment is closed, and the VR simulation experience is realistic. Claustrophobia patients [if you develop other diseases, it is recommended to list the diseases.], Individuals with a history of heart disease, abnormal blood pressure, or other similar illnesses are not allowed to participate in the game. All consequences caused by concealing the truth shall be borne by themselves.
● The park may arrange for video, photography, or recording, and tourists entering the park will be deemed to have agreed to use their portraits, sounds, and images for company business, administrative, and operational purposes or other legitimate purposes.
● The park has the right to refuse entry to individuals who violate the rules of the park and the safety regulations within the park, or engage in dangerous, illegal, or disrespectful behavior, or for the purpose of ensuring public safety, security, or order, or for special circumstances deemed necessary by the park, or to require such individuals to leave the park immediately without any refund or compensation.
If there is any inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions of the "Notes of Park Entry", the Chinese version shall prevail.